How To Write Headlines That Ring The Register…

Making Money Online…And How to Make Your Ads, Articles and Messages Command Enormous Profits with Them

When done correctly a great ad/article/message becomes an asset that continues to generate revenue over time (if you’re familiar with email marketing you can actually make income on demand with a well written message)…the better this is done the longer this is going to be the case.

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How To Boost Sales…

How To Make Money Fast WITHOUT being Corny, Sleazy, or Full of Hype

In selling, or persuasion of any kind there are generally only 3 reasons why someone won’t buy from you…

(1) They don’t want what you’re selling

(2) They don’t trust you

(3) They don’t trust themselves (i.e. they don’t have enough self-esteem to believe that it will work for them)

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From Madison Ave To Your Kitchen Table…And Back

Don Draper

All selling is essentially the same

Whether you’re selling cars, homes, books whatever.

Just listen to the wisdom of Donald F. Draper from AMC’s Mad Men…

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